Hello, my name is Vitalia.

I work on personal projects related to audio-visual storytelling, experimenting with mediums and tools.

Currently I'm working on a first-person mystery game that I want to eventually adapt to Virtual Reality. Prototype can be found here.

Things I do:
  • 2d art (with emphasis on character design)
  • 3d modeling, visualization etc
  • game design - Unreal Engine using blueprints
  • animation
  • writing fiction (interactive, novel, comic scripts etc)
  • traditional arts - sculpting (bjd), oil painting
  • music composing
  • programming, web development/design etc

Finished works can be found on my Youtube, Artstation and Itch.io.

Process notes, concepts/sketches and regular updates - Tumblr, Instagram.

Art process

Happy New Year!

2023.01.1, 10:06pm
Figuring out blogger, because I'm lazy to mess with backend of my website to attack tumblr etc.
Furst doodle of the year for first video using Unreal Engine, since my 2024 resoution is to begin my movie director ascension.